
Advocating for hostages in the streets of Chicago

These Israeli stories aim to bring humanity into the voting process, the results of which will directly impact peace or violence in the city.


Chicago suburb decries organized antisemitic disruption at council meeting

One man told the council he "saw a rabbi crawl out of a sewer with blood on his face."

Chicago school district faces faces Title VI investigation after pro-Palestinian walkout

Students in Chicago recently staged a major pro-Palestinian walkout that received at least tacit support from the district.


Loyola University Chicago faces antisemitic vandalism

The symbol was found drawn in the Hillel Social Room located within the Damen Student Center, sparking immediate concern among students.

This Jewish American school will volunteer in Israel for a month, as result of Hamas massacre

The students will engage in various volunteer activities, including working on farms, providing support to families of soldiers, assisting in hospitals, and preparing care packages for the military.

RAHM EMANUEL, former mayor of Chicago, speaks during the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, in Washing

Antisemitic 'Nazi' graffiti left on former Chicago mayor's home

The graffiti at Rahm Emanuel's property was swiftly removed.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators batter pro-Israel activist helping old man in Skokie

Peter Christos, a member of the activist group Turning Point USA, says protestors punched him, kicked him in the head, and hit him with a flagpole before police were able to intervene.

After a Palestinian-American child is stabbed to death, Jewish groups across the spectrum speak out

"We are not the only ones being targeted in this moment,” the Jewish Council for Public Affairs said in a statement.


Black-led church, Jewish community address painful history through Sukkot

For this interfaith, intergenerational group, constructing an impermanent space was a step forward in what they hope is an enduring relationship.


Kia, Hyundai sued over alleged anti-crime feature failings

The companies are being sued by the City of Chicago after a 104% increase of vehicle theft since 2022.

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